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ACCA BT (Business & Technology)
Questions Bank for Practice

Practice! Practice! PRACTICE!


It is always mentioned by ACCA Examiner to advise how to pass ACCA exams.

It is the purpose we set up this question bank for you to practice.

However, you are not only practicing the questions but also understand why and how the answers to come out.

It is important, especially, in the questions asking you to apply your knowledge.


In Business and Technology (BT) / FBT paper, all questions are compulsory.


The 2-hour computer-based exam will assess all parts of the syllabus and will test knowledge and some comprehensive or application of this knowledge.

Section A includes 30 two mark objective test questions and 16 one mark objective questions.


Section B comprises 6 four mark multi-task questions and each case will examine one of the six main sections of the syllabus.


In other words, Section A contributes 76% of total marks while Section B shares another 24%.

There are six sections in Business and Technology (BT) syllabus, you can find out the questions in each section by just click the buttons below.

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